Download the Cerebral Plugin

1. Ensure you have Cytoscape installed on your computer.

2. Save the two files below to Cytoscape's plugins directory. (Older releases are maintained in the archive)

3. Launch Cytoscape. To confirm a successful installation, look for a tab named Cerebral in Cytoscape's Control Panel.

More detailed installation instructions and troubleshooting tips can be found in the Cerebral Users' Manual. As of April 2008, Cerebral has been tested and confirmed to work with Cytoscape versions up to 2.6.0.

Cerebral source code

The full source code for Cerebral is available here for users wishing to modify the program: cerebral-src-v2.0.tar.gz (2.0 released May 13, 2008). Cerebral is dependent on the prefuse information visualization toolkit and, naturally, the Cytoscape source code.

Sample data files

A sample file containing interaction, localization, function, and expression information is available as an XGMML file that can be loaded into Cytoscape and used to create sample Cerebral layouts. For complete instructions on using this file, please see the Cerebral Tutorials page.

Older versions of Cerebral

Older releases are maintained in the archive.